Anti-bullying Week 2022

St. Joseph’s N.S  Anti- Bullying Week 2022

February 7th-11th

Anti-Bullying Week is an annual event in St.Joseph’s.  It reinforces the key message of the Stay Safe Programme which is “Say No,Get Away ,Tell”.

Throughout the week children took part in many fun activities that demonstrate how we all relate to each other.  We practised and discussed what to do in bullying situations using a variety of methods.

This year each class level explored a new story to see how bullying affected the characters.  We had a theme song for the week and had a dance that taught the children that character and personality are more important than popularity and outward appearances.

On Wednesday we had Odd Socks Day to promote how unique everyone is.  We also used movie clips as conversation starters on the topic.

As part of a whole school art activity we created an impressively long “Paper Kindness Chain”. When children experienced a kind event or were kind to one another it was recorded on a link in the chain. The chain has more than 400 links!!!

We hope you enjoy some photos of our activities .

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