Green School

Green School News:

Great news!!

The Green School Committee are delighted to announce that, with the help and work of the school community, St.Joseph’s have earned our 7th Green Flag.  This flag is for Energy and Global Citizenship. To celebrate, the committee spent a wonderful day at Glendeer Pet Farm. The flag was raised by our retiring principal and secretary, Ms. Dowling and Helen.  Click on their picture below to see photos and videos from the ceremony.

Greetings from St Joseph’s Green School’s Committee!  Our eco warriors for this year are: Bella, Ciara, Andre, Roisín, Nia, Ayda, Gracie, Naia, Harry and Fionn.St. Joseph’s Green School Committee is so proud of all the flags we have been awarded so far. We now have 6 green flags:

  1. Energy conservation

  2. Water conservation

  3. Travel

  4. Biodiversity

  5. Global Citizenship

  6. Litter and waste

Click on this link to get more information about how we can all help to keep our school green!

Green School in St Josephs NS Sept 21

We are continuing to work on the theme of Global Citizenship and Energy.  We are looking at Global Citizenship in relation to energy. We will be reviewing our energy use in school and investigating ways to reduce this further. We will also look at how we can save energy on a global scale. The most obvious global link to energy is climate change. This is the most serious problem of our time and is closely related to our energy use. Awareness of all previous themes will also be maintained throughout this theme.We will have a brand-new Green Schools Committee this year!We are so excited to have you all on board and look forward to creating some great activities and ideas for our school, based on the theme of global citizenship and energy!


Junior infants are reading Guzzler’s big book on energy. They are learning of all the ways to save energy. Some foods are better than others at giving us energy. Ask the junior infants for more information!

Bin Competition

Well done to all the classes who were successful winners of our October bin competition. Keep up the fantastic work everyone! The Green School Committee are so proud of everyone.

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