
Home School Community is about building bridges, breaking down barriers and building up trusting relationships and friendships in the home, school and the wider community.


The home life of the child is fundamental to their growth and development and, as we know, parents/guardians are the primary educators. It’s supportive and encouraging for the child and the life of the school to see parents becoming involved in the school life of St. Joseph’s which is a busy, happy place!!


Classes and course are offered to all parents, guardians  and grandparents of children in our school throughout the year in our Parents’ Room. Some of these activities include zumba, yoga, yogalates, flower arranging, cookery, art, maths and literacy classes to mention but a few!! The Parents’ Room is always open and all are welcome to call for a cup of tea and a chat!!


Home, School, Community Liaison invites and encourages parents to take part in classroom activities with their child such as Reading for Fun and Maths for Fun. Parents meet with the Home-School teacher beforehand in the Parents’ Room and are shown what to do in their child‘s classroom.


Home visits are an important part of Home, School, Community Liaison as the visiting teacher builds up bonds of trust and can help parents/guardians access services in our community should the need arise.  


Finally, parents/guardians, grandparents and teachers – we all have a common goal, that is to want the best for our child. As Dr. Concepta Conaty (founder of home school) quoted: 


‘Many things can wait, the child cannot

Right now their bones are being formed

Their blood is being made

Their senses are being developed

To them we cannot say “Tomorrow”

Their name is Today’

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