Ms. Linehan

Welcome to our class page!

We visited the 1st class tree in September. It is a Silver Birch tree and we are looking forward to caring for it throughout the year and watching it change as the seasons pass us by.

We were delighted to see some of the Tullamore team and the cups they won.

We did lots of walking and activities during National Fitness Week.

We had so much fun learning about hot air balloons and sitting in the inside of one!

We went to Charleville forest to look for signs of Autumn.

We played Halloween games in the PE Hall. A big thank you to the Parents Association for organising the games for us.

We did some Halloween experiments. We all dressed up for the last day of school before the midterm. We loved the Halloween Parade.

The boys and girls in room 18 are so excited for Christmas! Enjoy your break everyone.

We visited our tree, the Silver Birch, to see the differences now it is Winter time. The tree is so bare. All of the leaves are gone. We look forward to seeing the buds grow soon in Springtime.

Some of our class performed “The Ugly Duckling” for an audience of Senior Infants. We loved it!

We spent some time in our school garden. We did some weeding and we harvested some rhubarb. We then planted some pumpkin seeds and carrot seeds. Back in the classroom we made a delicious rhubarb crumble. We really enjoyed it!

Golden Time on Friday! Here are some pictures of us enjoying some Play Time in Room 18.

We enjoyed some Yoga during Wellness Week.

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and friends who joined us for Games for Fun over the last few weeks. We really enjoyed having you visit our classroom and play games with us.

We were so proud of Íarla who starred in Moana in St. Mary’s Youth Centre. The boys and girls performed some of the songs for us.

We had a brilliant time in Turoe Pet Farm for our school tour. It was so much fun seeing all of the animals and then bouncing around in the big inflatable city!

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