Ms. Sheridan

Welcome to Room 3’s web page.

We are really looking forward to having fun learning, making friends and most importantly, having fun, in Junior Infants. Join us along our journey.

Here we are on our very first day in school.

First Day New OS 2023

Roald Dahl 2023

We celebrated Roald Dahl’s birthday by reading The Enormous Crocodile. Did you know he was so hungry, he could eat a small child!!!

Roald Dahl OS 2023


We went for a lovely walk in Charleville. What an adventure. Click on the link to see what we got up to!


We went on a short walk to see the spooky houses in Arden View. In school, we dressed up for our Halloween Parade. Look how cool we look!

Halloween OS 2023


We made frogs and triangles and all sorts of things using playdough.

Art A OS 2023

Pyjama Party

We had great fun at our pyjama party. We read lots of stories, drank hot chocolate and nibbled on a few biscuits.

Pyjama Party New OS 2023

Christmas 2023

The boys and girls wearing their lovely Santa hats. 

Christmas OS 2023
Christmas OS B 2023

Gingerbread Men

We made gingerbread men and decorated them with treats. They were delicious.  We read all about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We made yummy porridge and gobbled it all up!

Gingerbread Men New OS 2023

We had so much fun on our first school tour today. Glendeer is so much fun!

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