Parents Association News

St Joseph’s Parents’ Association works on an ongoing basis with the Principal, Home School Liaison Officer, Staff and the Board of Management.  Working together we help to identify opportunities for children to get the best that primary education can offer.


In 2014-2015 the following people were elected as St Joseph’s Parent’s Association committee members:


Chairperson: Penny Rowe
Vice Chairperson: Aisling de Barra

Secretary: Ann-Marie Kelly
Vice Secretary: Helen Hughes

Treasurer: Denise Walsh
Vice-Treasurer:  Veronica Davis


The committee meets up every 6 to 8 weeks to discuss activities and upcoming events throughout the school year including:

Hallowe’en Parade, Spring Book Fair and Cake Sale (raising €1800) Copper Bottle collection (raising €3,137), providing refreshments for Communion classes and their families in Parish Centre and of course, the highlight for students – School Fun Day.  A big thank you to all parents, guardians and sponsors for their ongoing support.  All fundraising efforts help to support the children in St Josephs, from prizes for competitions to providing a donation to help purchase IPads for school use.


Please return to our Parents’ Association page during the next academic term for further updates throughout the school year.  We update families throughout the school year via text messages (issued by Helen, School Secretary) and also send home colour code notes (on pink paper) which you’ll see in your child’s school folder from time to time.


We are here to help everyone and welcome comments back from parents.  Please help us to help you by advising how you like to keep in touch (via Helen, School Secretary).


The National Parents Council has lots of further helpful leaflets on the following topics: Supporting your Child’s Learning at Home, Making the transition from Early Education to Primary Education, Supporting your child’s move from Primary to Post Primary, Bullying, Homework, What is a Parents’ Association and Getting Involved.

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