Attending St Josephs

At St. Joseph’s we have great students and, what is more, they think St. Joseph’s is great too!  Here are some of the things our pupils in 2nd class wrote about what it’s like at our school.

Attending St. Joseph’s N.S

St Joseph’s is great because we have Easter Hunts and we get to see Santa. We have a great caretaker Brendan and a fantastic secretary Helen. Our principal Ms Dowling is really nice because she comes and to see us in our class sometimes. We do Gymnastics, GAA, swimming and skipping. All the 2nd classes are making their First Holy Communion this year. Three cheers for St. Joseph’s, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray. 

By Emily Conlon

Going to St. Joseph’s is wonderful because our teacher brings us to tennis, skipping, GAA and gymnastics. We have lots of great friends to play with. We have visits from Santa, Raymond and Trina, the music teachers. In the summer months we have fun day before the summer holidays. My favourite part is when we have tennis. I am excited about my First Holy Communion. Going to Charleville is also my favourite. During the summer we sometimes wear shorts and t-shirts. We eat healthy lunches and we don’t bring sweets. We have no detention either. We have a fantastic caretaker and a great cleaner to keep our school clean and fixed, and we give presents to each other. We also have great teachers. I love St. Joseph’s.

By Chloe Plunkett

Going to St. Joseph’s N.S. is fun because you go on many tours. When I went on those tours I felt really happy being with my friends, some of the tours we go on are Dublin Zoo, Imaginosity, a panto in The Helix, Dublin and the Garda Station. St. Joseph’s also educates hundreds of children per year, we also have appropriate equipment for children to develop the right muscles. At St. Joseph’s we try to be the best school in Tullamore by teaching everyone how to share and play together. So bring your child to St. Joseph’s N.S.

 by Jack McCarthy

Going to St Joseph N.S. Tullamore  is fun great and nice because you are never alone.  We have friendship games and a raffle every Friday. We go on school tours like Annaharvey and Dublin Zoo. We have an Easter egg hunt. The Halloween parade is a parade where we walk around Arden View. We have a pyjama party. Our playground has bars, a cow, snail and stepping stones.  We get to meet Santa. This year 2nd class got to go to The Helix in Dublin. We got to see The Sleeping Beauty. It  was really good. I enjoyed the bus up to Dublin. I liked  the songs and the  dancing. The teachers are really nice here.

by Aisling Hughes

St. Joseph’s is the best because we get to play soccer on lunch breaks. Our school is the best because we get to play in the field. In our school we get to play on the monkey bars and the cow and the caterpillar and the crocodile and the stepping stones and the snail and the horse and the boards. No other school is better than St Joseph’s because we get to do art and pottery and we go swimming and dance class and G.A.A class and we get to practice how to use a computer.

By Adam Harvey

I like St.Joseph’s because all the teachers are very nice but Ms. Linehan is the best. I like going to St.Joseph’s because every year we have an Easter Bonnet parade. We don’t have a lot of homework. I love St. Joseph’s because every year there’s a raffle for a bike. Ms.Dowling gives you a sticker everytime you visit her. It’s so fun in St. Joseph’s because you have fun day. It’s really fun. I like when you switch teachers so you can meet more. It’s really fun. I love science. We have pottery with Fin. We have dance lessons. There’s 374 children in St.Joseph’s. I love St. Joseph’s!

By Amy Kavanagh

I  like St Joseph’s. We have a playground and a football area. We have fun at Easter Time and we see Santa in my school. I like  my teacher and I like art. We do fun things and funny things. My birthday is the 7th of June. I like maths at school. My friend is called Kacey. I like st. Joseph’s!

By Ava

I like St.Joseph’s because I have great freinds. It has fun toys but best of all it has great teachers. We do lots of fun things like art, music, games and reading. If there were 100 St.Joseph’s I’d stick with this one! The best thing there is reading. It also has a mini library. The teachers are sssssuupeerrrrr kind. I wish my daddy worked here. He has a great mind like teachers. Evryone here is super funny. 

By Conor Colbert

In St. Joseph’s there are lots  of  teachers. Ms Dowling is nice. We go on school tours. We have fun day. St. Joseph’s is the best school. Our play ground is so so big. All the kids play there. We have a PE hall. We have dance classes there. We have an Easter egg hunt. We do football. There are lots of classes. We have friendship week. We do maths. We do gaeilge. We do swimming lessons and GAA. Swimming was good. We do pottery. We do cooking class. This school is the best.  We went to the panto in Dublin. The teachers here are the best. We have Roald Dahl Day. That was a good day.  We wear something yellow because Roald Dahl’s favourite colour was yellow. We have music lessons. 

By Darren Wynne

I like St. Joseph’s because all of the teachers are nice. We have a lot of things to play on out in the yard. We even have Halloween parades. When it is anybodys birthday, Christmas or Halloween we get a sticker. Our principal is very kind. So is our teacher. We go on amazing trips as well.We went to a Panto near Christmas time. We went to see Sleeping Beauty. When we were in Junior Infants we played dress up at golden time. We still have golden time.This is the best school EVER. I love to see my friends and my teacher. We had swimming , dancing and we are going to have pottery  with Fin. In our classroom we have a job chart. It is very fun. If we don’t have our pencil case we can use teachers pencils and colours . We have a school library. It is full of books. This is the safest school in the world. My little cousin Jayden is in Junior Infants. He loves this school and so do I!

By Demi Lee Kavanagh

St. Joseph’s is the greatest. Everyone is nice and fun day has lots of playing games. You don’t get a lot of homework. At Easter time everyone goes to find chocolate eggs. At Easter we have an Easter bonnet parade. In October we have a Halloween parade where you dress up as anyone you want. The panto is amazing. We have pottery in 1st class with Fin. Fin will teach you two things. Then he will let you make your own pottery. Every time you visit Ms. Dowling she gives you a sticker. After Christmas you are allowed to bring in one toy that Santa gave you.

By Joshua Kane

I like St. Joseph’s because you don’t get lots of homework. In St. Joseph’s everyone has to be kind especially when you’re out in the playground. The teachers are all kind in St. Joseph’s. Any time when you go to Ms. Dowling she gives you a lovely sticker. You get to have the best principal ever. St Joseph’s is so fun. I love St.Joseph’s. St. Joseph’s is a safe place for any child.

By Kacey Mills

St Joseph’s is the best school ever. On fun day we get bouncy castles. For the Halloween parade we get to dress up and we sing songs. On Fridays we get golden time. All the time we get to do art. We don’t get much homework and on Fridays we dont get any homework. Some days we type on the  computers and play games on them too. Sometimes we go to the library down town and we have our own library in school too. In school we do dance class. We do PE as well. We have pen pals in Galway and we write letters to them. At Easter we have an Easter hunt. The Easter bunny and Easter chicken would  be there too.

By Lauren Roche.

St. Joseph’s is the best school because we have the best equipment. I love St. Joseph’s. It is the best school in the world because we have fun days and Easter Hunts and Halloween Parades. We do WOW days and Roald Dahl’s birthday and Fin comes for pottery.

By Michael Keaveney

I like to go to St. Joseph’s because we have golden time. It is very fun and we have a fun day! I love fun day. Everybody loves St. Joseph’s forever!!! St. Joseph’s I will never forget you ever!!! We have a special class and everybody looks after the special class. We have Fin and pottery class and dance classes. Everybody shares and everbody takes turns. No one ever gets left out in the yard. Everybody plays with each other. We have Art. I love Art! 

By Sarah O’ Malley

Firstly,the teachers are amazing. They let us have golden time. Next,the children are really kind. We go on lots of tours. We get to go swimming as well. We get to have a halloween parade. We get to dress up in our our Halloween costumes. Then we get to have an Easter hunt. It’s really fun. We have WOW days. WOW stands for Walk on Wednesday. We have a little Christmas Advent service. We have a wreath as well. We celebrate Roald Dahl day. It’s where we all wear something yellow. In March a man called Fin comes to do pottery with us. We make all sorts of things! Lastly in Second class we have our First Confession and Our first Holy Communion. It’s all really fun! 

By Zoe Woodcock

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