Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022
7ú-16ú Márta

St. Joseph’s marked Seachtain na Gaeilge from 7th -16th of March. It featured
many activities such as PE, dancing, Art, music, and poems that celebrated our
culture and language. This year saw the long awaited return of “Teidí Seosamh.”
Seosamh got involved in activities with every class and we are awaiting exciting
reports from his adventures in the coming days. Seosamh even attended a
“cheolchoirm” in the PE hall.

We were so lucky to have an Irish dancing session for every class with
Caithríona from Scoil Rince Lár Tíre.  It was fantastic to hear the sounds of
Irish music and the “haon, dó, tri” coming from the hall!

Our friends from The Sacred Heart Secondary school came to entertain us with
traditional Irish music and told us about their instruments. Some classes were
treated to Deirdre playing her accordion and they danced along to the tunes.
Children were busy colouring for the art competition.  Medals were presented to
the lucky winners for their great efforts. Great displays of art were to be seen
all over the school. Well done everyone for their super work.

Stray Leipreachán were found by classes who were out and about on a treasure
hunt but they soon disappeared.  Second classes had a Tráth na gCeist on

One class recorded themselves during PE as the played games through Irish.
They shared their recordings so other classes could try out the games.
The week culminated with a Lá Glas where many shades of green were on
display. Gaeilgóir na Seachtaine certificates and stickers were given out for all
those who attempted a cúpla more focail during the week.
Overall the week was a great success a great buzz of activity and excitement
with it.

“Mol an óige agus tiocfaih si”

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