Áthas Senior
A short introduction to our Áthas Senior Teachers

Ms. Shannon Duffy
Room 15
About Áthas Senior

Áthas Senior is an extremely important class in our school for children with moderate general learning difficulties. Our special class caters for eight children and our educational philosophy is to integrate as much as is appropriate and practical and to endeavour to give our children access to as broad a based curriculum as possible.
The range of children within this class ranges from third to sixth class. Work is differentiated to accommodate the various levels of ability and ranges of age and curriculums such as NCCA Primary Moderate General Learning Disability Guidelines to develop an appropriate structure within the class which is very individual depending on the children’s needs and strengths. The classroom has a well facilitated sensory room to ensure the children’s sensory needs are met.
Music and art are vital for children with special needs, offering them tools for self-expression, emotional regulation, and communication. These creative outlets provide a way to connect with the world,
Fine motor and sensory play is crucial for children with special needs as it supports their physical, cognitive, and emotional development. Fine motor activities, such as drawing, threading beads, or
Social outings for children with moderate needs are incredibly valuable for their development and well-being. These outings provide opportunities for them to practice social skills in real-world settings, build confidence,
Social outings in our room play a vital role in fostering independence, communication, interpersonal skills and many more life skills. They provide our children with opportunities to connect outside the
Exciting day for the kids as they started swimming lessons! Watching them splash, learn, and gain confidence in the water was pure joy. Proud of their courage and eager to