St. Joseph’s Easter Newsletter 2024

St. Joseph’s Easter Newsletter 2024

Message from Ms. Clear Welcome to our Easter newsletter. We have been so busy this term with lots of activities ... read more below

easter newsletter

Message from Ms. Clear

Welcome to our Easter newsletter. We have been so busy this term with lots of activities taking place. Take a read of our newsletter to see what we have been up to. We had a visit from the Easter Bunny and Easter Chick, who wished us all a Happy Easter and hid some chocolate treats for all the boys and girls. Thank you for all your support this term and for your interest in your child’s education. I hope the lovely spring weather continues and that you all enjoy the Easter break.

Second Class News

Second Class had a busy term where they were lucky to make over one hundred St. Brigid’s Day crosses out of reeds. A huge thanks to Fr. Fergal for his help. The boys and girls also made their First Confession on 5th and 6th March. Their next sacrament is on Saturday, 25th May, when the children will receive their First Holy Communion. Let’s pray for good weather!

VEX Robotics

We are delighted to be involved in a STEM programme called “VEX Robotics” at the Sacred Heart School on 9th April. It seeks to increase children’s interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM). This project encourages creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. The children got the opportunity to build, design, and program two robots to compete in different challenges. These robots can be driven manually and automatically using coding. We are eagerly looking forward to the competition after the Easter break. VEX Robotics is being delivered by Cork Institute of Technology and Offaly Co. Council.

World Book Day Celebrations

We love story-time and books! On Thursday, 7th March, we celebrated World Book Day. Classrooms were buzzing with excitement as the children enjoyed stories, buddy reading, quizzes, book-tasting fun, fairy-tale puppet shows, and lots of chatting about our favorite stories, authors, and characters.

Student Council & Cineáltas Flag

A big thank you to our Student Council who helped raise our Cineáltas Flag. Cineáltas means kindness. This flag is a visual symbol for us to be kind and to work together to prevent and address bullying.

Seachtain na Gaeilge

We celebrated Irish Week from the 11th to the 15th of March. Everybody made a great effort to use more Irish during the celebrations. All classes enthusiastically took part in exciting activities like Irish dancing, class buddy visits, and listening to traditional music from our own staff along with a visiting trad group from Sacred Heart School. Teidí Seosamh made a welcome return to visit all the classes. Bhí go leor spraoi againn agus bhaineamar an taitneamh as an seachtain!


This term, we enjoyed more classes in the school such as our Make-Up course with “Nakid by Sharon Leavy” and our regular art and craft classes. It is always wonderful to meet so many family members in the Parent’s Room. After Easter, we will be starting up our walking group again, along with a hair styling course, flower arranging, and in-class initiatives where parents will be invited to participate.

For second-class parents, I still have some beautiful communion dresses available. Please contact me if you’d like to have a look! Eavan (HSCL) – 0871213737

Attendance News

Thanks to all the parents who completed our Parental Questionnaire on Attendance. Our Statement of Strategy for School Attendance is now available on the school website. Next week, certificates will be presented to children with excellent attendance this year. If you have any concerns regarding attendance, please contact Mrs. Bridget Clear, Principal, or Eavan Byrne, HSCL Coordinator.

Futsal in the Yard

We welcomed Gary from the FAI to introduce Futsal in the Yard to our 2nd class children in March. We are looking forward to more sessions with Gary in April.

Active School

GAA sessions have recommenced, and we are delighted to have Dylan training us on the new Astro pitch in O’Brien Park. We are working on our movement, ball skills, and playing fun games.

Green School News

The Green School Committee has been busy this term working on the “Marine Environment flag.” We unveiled a beautiful new mural on the corridor, reminding us to care for our oceans. We also welcomed over 500 little friends to our new wormery! A huge thanks to everyone who helped out with the garden and the Tidy Towns litter pick. We are also proud of our new Green School Rap—well done everyone!

Áthas 2 News

We have had such a fantastic term in Áthas 2! Everybody has worked so hard learning about the clothes shop, the farm, and the house. In February, we celebrated Candice’s birthday, and in March, we celebrated Kevin’s! We continue to use our good manners and Lámh every day to say “please,” “thank you,” and “you’re welcome.” We can’t wait for the good weather to start next term so we can get outside more!

Dates for Your Diary

  • School reopens: 8th April
  • Wellbeing Week: 15th April
  • Book Fair: 18th-25th April
  • Cake Sale: 24th May
  • First Communion: 25th May
  • Active Week: 10th June
  • Fun Days: 12th-13th June
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