St. Joseph’s Summer Newsletter 2024

St. Joseph’s Summer Newsletter 2024

Message from Ms. Clear What a fantastic end to another super year in St. Joseph’s. The boys and girls have ... read more below


Message from Ms. Clear

What a fantastic end to another super year in St. Joseph’s. The boys and girls have been so busy getting up to all sorts of activities this term. We are so proud of each and every one of them and have loved watching them become the best that they can be. We wish our Second Class the best of luck as they move on to their new schools. We know that they have made so many happy memories during their time with us. Don’t forget to come back to visit us and let us know how you are getting on. Thank you to all the parents/guardians for your support all year. It really means a lot to us and your children when you take an interest in their learning. Special thanks to Katherine Smyth and Trevor O’Brien for all of their hard work over the years on the Parents’ Association. Finally, I want to thank the amazing staff in St. Joseph’s who work tirelessly to ensure that all the children are happy to come to school every day. We are so lucky. Have a lovely summer. Hopefully the sun will shine.

Book Fair

We had another very successful book fair this year. A huge thanks to all those who helped out in the mornings and afternoons and to everyone who visited it. We now look forward to choosing exciting new books to add to our class library collections. Many thanks for your continued support in helping our children discover the enjoyment of books and become readers for life.

Room 1 School Tour

Ms. Newman’s junior infants had a fantastic time on 5th June at Glendeer Pet Farm for their very first St. Joseph’s school tour. Everything—from the animals to the playground and even the bus trip—was just brilliant!

Regional Athletics Competition

This term, all 1st and 2nd class children took part in athletic coaching sessions with coach Eimear from Offaly Sports Partnership. Some children represented our school at the Regional Athletics event on May 27th in Tullamore Harriers and the Offaly Athletics Finals on June 12th. The St. Joseph’s athletics team did amazing and even picked up some medals. We are very proud of all the participants. A huge thanks to everyone in Offaly Sports Partnership for organizing such great events!

Wellbeing Week 2024

We had our annual Wellbeing Week in April and the children got involved in a number of activities. We created a collaborative art display in the hall, had a meditation and yoga workshop with Tina Kennedy, and on Friday we had a dance-a-thon. The hard work paid off and we were awarded our Amber Flag for nurturing positive mental health and wellbeing again this year. Well done to all the children who took part!


Thank you to all the families in the school who participated in activities in the classrooms, courses in the Parent’s room, events in the school, and those who welcomed me into their homes. It is such a pleasure to meet so many wonderful people and I look forward to meeting many more of you in September.

This term, we enjoyed the final term of cooking in the Parent’s room and a hair styling course. Our first-class children had ‘Games for Fun’ in their classrooms, with over 47 family members participating in the games throughout the 3 weeks. We really appreciate it, as do all the children. Parents also helped with our successful Cake Sale and annual Fun Day.

Wishing you all a safe & happy summer, and I look forward to meeting you all again in September.

Eavan (HSCL)

Míle Buíochas

Míle buíochas to Ms. Phelan, Ms. O’Meara, and Ms. Conlon who are leaving St. Joseph’s this year. We thank them for their hard work and dedication during their time here. We have really appreciated the care and kindness that they have shown to our pupils.

Best wishes for the future.

Attendance News

We are delighted that 14 children have had full attendance at school this year. Another 41 children have only missed 1–3 days of school in the entire year. Well done to you all! Certificates will be awarded to all of these children.

In the last term, classes with the best attendance per fortnight enjoyed an ice-cream treat. We totally understand that being absent cannot be helped for illness and other matters, but we would like to encourage attendance as much as possible. If you have any concerns or queries in relation to attendance, please contact Mrs. Bridget Clear, Principal, on 057 93 41121 or our Home School Community Liaison Coordinator, Ms. Eavan Byrne, on 087 1213737.

Dates for Your Diary

  • School will close at 12 noon on Friday, 28th June.
  • School will reopen on Wednesday, 28th August.

Please follow us on our X (Twitter) page for the latest news and events going on in St. Joseph’s.

Or click the link below to view your class page:

Farewell Second Class

All five Second Classes have worked very hard this year. It’s hard to believe their time in St. Joseph’s has come to an end. Their last term has been action-packed! From celebrating their First Holy Communion on May 25th, a school tour to ‘Let’s Go Athlone’ on May 28th, leading to their graduation in June, the children have been very busy. All in St. Joseph’s would like to wish the boys and girls in Second Class the very best of luck as they move to their next chapter. Well done, Class of 2024!

Green School News

We were very excited to raise our Green School Flag on Friday. The committee explained all the work they had done to care for our beautiful Earth, especially our oceans, and everyone sang the new Green School Rap which they composed. We also got to taste a nibble of food from our School Garden, which hasn’t even one piece of litter! Well done, everyone.

A HUGE thank you to all the adult helpers who have helped us in our garden this year. You have been wonderful, and we have even bigger plans for next year!

Active Week

We had a great Active Week this month with many events taking place to encourage everyone to be ‘more active, more often’. Our Fun Day events were the highlight; a huge thanks to everyone who helped out to make the days so enjoyable. Even a little rain didn’t dampen the spirits! Children enjoyed many activities, including races, parachute games, basketball, hockey, water relays, giant games, soccer, and GAA, to name but a few!

The boys and girls also did some Olympic art and created some good luck posters and cards for our local Olympian, Gráinne Walsh. We wish Gráinne and Team Ireland the best of luck in the Paris Olympics; we are looking forward to cheering you all on in July! We hope everyone has a wonderful and active summer, and we look forward to lots more fun, sports, and fitness events next term.

Áthas Junior

We’ve had a fantastic final term in Áthas! We’ve been learning all about the zoo, positional language, and sequencing! We all got to celebrate Henry’s 9th birthday with chocolate cake and are looking forward to a special treat in our last week! We can’t wait for our summer break and hope everyone has a lovely summer!

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